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Blog - Creating the BEST Life Ever

An ongoing series of my journey and the lessons I learn along the way

Meet Procrastination and it's Best Friend Cram!

August 31, 2020

Have you ever had the experience where you have something that you need to do... but then you DON'T? You find yourself avoiding it. You find other more important things to do instead. You find yourself having more motivation clean out your garbage can under the kitchen sink than you do completing your task! Sound familiar? 

WHY do we do procrastinate? 

The truth is... we procrastinate for several different reasons. Here are a few possibilities and ways that you can combat it. 

Stress Response 

Venturing into the Unknown

Self Sabotage


Sheer Boredom


Here I am!

July 29, 2019

Welcome to Art of Transformation - Health & Life Coaching! 

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